Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Last night was a rough night for little Millie.

She displayed a characteristic (if you could call it that) I've never seen before and it terrified me.

She walked to the food bowl yet didn't eat. After a minute, her right paw started lifting off the ground and retracting towards her body....in slow motion. She then leaned back onto her hind quarters, much like squirrels do (and her mother, Micca). Millie was perfectly sitting back then her left leg started the same process of retracting into her chest. Little Millie's breathing was fine, no noises of internal struggle I could hear. The image was disturbing. I immediately picked her up and cuddled her for over an hour. There were no signs of struggle of breath, digestive issues.....nothing.

I then placed her in her basket next to me. When I woke this mornig, she was gone. The basket was empty!! Panic overtook me.....until.......I felt a small pressure and warmth coming from my hip. Millie apparently decided that was a better place.

This morning I saw her eat dry food (a few crunchs but to me that is fabulous), drink water and go potty. She even attempted playing with the lasser light.

So now this afternoon I am going to attempt to get the ebay stuff set up and posted.

Please if you have any suggestions, questions please email me/Millie.


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